im gonna write in english

| Postat i: Emi writes in English, Emis days
So this idea came up in my head. I think it would be fun to write in English here like once a week or something. Do you like the idea? Well, I will do it anyway so your opinion doesn't really count haha!
I'm just sitting here in my bed and thinking. Thinking about life, about family, about dance and friends. I know I haven't really been around for the past months, I know I have been hard to reach and I am truly sorry. It's just that I have been weak..I lost my strength somewhere on the road of finding the ''new me''. But I will find it again, I promise. I just have to find some peace in my life, get things in the right order. Because that is best for ME. Everything I do,I do it for Me, no one else. Well, maybe a little bit, but mostly for my own best. So, tomorrow I have school then we have the ''autumn/fall-break''. I will try to hang out with friends and get some rest..then I will dance and compete with Frida from AQceS. I'm really nervous and I'm not really ready but ey what the heck, if I do a complete fool out of myself, who cares? :D
Anyway gotta sleep! XOXO
Hittills till im gonna write in english

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